8-Isoprostane Oxidative Stress ELISA试剂盒——Detroit R&D热销产品-产品资讯-资讯-生物在线

8-Isoprostane Oxidative Stress ELISA试剂盒——Detroit R&D热销产品

作者:欣博盛生物科技有限公司 2023-05-06T17:42 (访问量:3214)

8-异构前列腺素(8-Isoprostane),别名15-异前列腺素F2t(15-isoprostane F2t)、8-异前列腺素F2α(iPF2α-III,8-epi-prostaglandin F2α, 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α),是一类非酶来源的类二十烷,由氧自由基随机氧化组织磷脂产生。8-异构前列腺素是氧化损伤的最佳标志物,与冠状动脉钙化(CAC)增加有关。此外,8-异构前列腺素水平在重度高血压老年受试者血浆和高脂饮食引起的肝脂肪变性患者尿液中升高。血管紧张素II受体拮抗剂替米沙坦(高血压药物)显著降低肝脏8-异构前列腺素水平。8-异构前列腺素已被检测为运动诱导的肌肉损伤生物标志物和用于评估社区健康的污水生物标志物。

Detroit R&D 品牌8-Isoprostane Oxidative Stress ELISA试剂盒使用竞争法ELISA检测正确分离和纯化类二十烷之后的生物样本如尿液、血清、血浆、细胞和组织中及废水样本中8-异前列腺素的浓度。稀释的尿液和未经提取的细胞培养基也适用于本试剂盒。





8-isoprostane oxidative stress ELISA Kit




urine, cells, tissues, plasma, serum


8-isoprostane ELISA Plate(96孔不可拆板),可拆板形式货号为8ISO1R

1 vial of 8-isoprostane standard

1 vial of 8-isoprostane HRP Conjugates

1 bottle (25 mL) 10 X Sample Dilution Buffer

1 bottle (15 mL) 1 X HRP Buffer

1 bottle (25 mL) 10 X Wash Buffer Solution

1 bottle (22 mL) TMB Substrate


8-Isoprostane Oxidative Stress ELISA试剂盒——Detroit R&D热销产品


1. Schottker, B et al. Oxidatively damaged DNA/RNA and 8-isoprostane levels are associated with the development of type 2 diabetes at older age: Results from a large cohort study. Diabetes Care, doi: 10.2337/dc19-1379. 2019

2. Gào X, Xuan Y, Benner A, Anusruti A, Brenner H, Schöttker, B. Nitric Oxide Metabolites and Lung Cancer Incidence: A Matched Case-Control Study Nested in the ESTHER Cohort. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Volume 2019, Article ID 6470950, doi: 10.1155/2019/6470950 2

3. Kawasaki K, Kondoh E, Chigusa Y, Kawamura Y, Mogami H, Takeda S, Horie A, Baba T, Matsumura N, Mandai M, Konishi I. Metabolomic profiles of placenta in preeclampsia: Antioxidant effect of magnesium sulfate on trophoblasts in early-onset preeclampsia. Hypertension 73: 671-679. 2019.

4. Gào X, Zhang Y, Burwinkel B, Xuan Y, Holleczek B, Brenner H, Schöttker B. The associations of DNA methylation alterations in oxidative stress-related genes with cancer incidence and mortality outcomes: a population-based cohort study. Clinical Epigenetics 11: 14-22. 2019.

5. Gao, X, Gào X, Zhang Y, Holleczek B, Schöttker B, Brenner H. Oxidative stress and epigenetic mortality risk score: associations with all-cause mortality among elderly people. Eur. J. Epidemiology 34: 451-462. 2019.

6. Gào X, Brenner H, Holleczek B, Cuk K, Zhang Y, Anusruti A, Xuan Y, Xu Y, Schöttker B. Urinary isoprostane levels and occurrence of lung, colorectal, prostate, breast and overall cancer: Results from a large, population-based cohort study with 14 years of follow-up. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 123: 20-26. 2018.

7. Santos, JM et al. The role of mitochondrial DNA damage at skeletal muscle oxidative stress on the development of type 2 diabetes. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry doi.org/10.1007/s11010-018- 3361-5. 2018.

8. Liu, LP et al. Deletion of soluble epoxide hydrolase attenuates mice hyperoxic acute lung injury. BMC Anesthesiology doi.org/10.1186/s/12871-018-0490-z. 2018

8-Isoprostane Oxidative Stress ELISA试剂盒——Detroit R&D热销产品

Detroit R&D公司由Dr. Hyesook Kim创立于1997年,Detroit R&D通过**的技术提供优质产品,致力于赢得科研工作者的绝对信任。Detroit R&D的特色产品涉及环境健康科学、高血压、乳腺癌和前列腺癌相关研究领域,包括类花生酸生物活性研究相关产品,如EET,DHET和20-HETE;环境雌激素产品,如BPA,PGHS(也叫COX);细胞色素P450(CYPs);谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GSTs);氧化应激;DNA损伤;非洲爪蟾蜍;药物代谢;乳腺和前列腺微阵列;创伤修复等相关产品。

8-Isoprostane Oxidative Stress ELISA试剂盒——Detroit R&D热销产品

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